I would LOVE to get some ASCII art onto my website.
The name, date and info about pic will be under the pic not on top.
New art from Valerio Caruso, one piece called 'Hybrid Ocean Space' Check it out in the Misc
Art page.
I will say drawing in the next paragraph but it doesn't have to be drawings... It can be Paintings,
drawings, or some form of computer art you made... Just needs to be something you did and not an 'Ooh I saw this pic online
and am sending it in to be put up because it looks cool.'
This is an art website. Email me art that you want on the site and it will have a 99% chance
of being put up. I will look at it first, then send a letter of either rejection or acception. if you want me to put
a certain name under the artwork then add your name, your nickname or whatever you want to be known as, and under your pic
will have the name/nickname you requested directly under it be sure to put that info in your email not your pic because then
you have less drawing space =P put that info in your email. And if you wish, you can put in a date of when the drawing was
made. Under subject in the letter Put it as Iartman.
Email Me At Spoontardis@hotmail.com